

(Proceedings are available here)

Monday 17 May

(8:30) Opening

(9:00) Plenary I: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb 

TitleMachine Learned Regularisation for Inverse Imaging Problems

Video (partial):   here

Abstract here

Chairman : Jalal Fadili

(10:00-10:30) Break

(10:30) Oral Session 1: Scale Space and Partial Differential Equations Methods 

Chairman : Martin Burger

  • (10:30) Scale-covariant and Scale-invariant Gaussian Derivative Networks - video
    Tony Lindeberg
  • (11:00) Splines for Image Metamorphosis - video
    Jorge Justiniano, Marko Rajković and Martin Rumpf
  • (11:30) Inverse Scale Space Iterations for Non-Convex Variational Problems  - video
    Danielle Bednarski and Jan Lellmann


(12:00-14:00) Lunch Break


(14:00) Poster Session 1: Scale Space, PDEs, Optimization and Inverse Problems in Imaging 

(2 minutes per poster flash presentations, followed by individual Poster Presentation in dedicated breakrooms)

  • 1 - Quantisation Scale-Spaces
    Pascal Peter

  • 2 - Nonlinear Spectral Processing of Shapes via Zero-homogeneous Flows
    Jonathan Brokman and Guy Gilboa   

  • 3 - Fast Morphological Dilation and Erosion for Grey Scale Images Using the Fourier Transform
    Marvin Kahra, Vivek Sridhar and Michael Breuß 
  • 4 - Local Culprits of Shape Complexity
    Mazlum Ferhat Arslan and Sibel Tari 
  • 5 - Extension of Mathematical Morphology in Riemannian Spaces
    El Hadji S Diop, Alioune Mbengue, Bakary Manga and Diaraf Seck
  • 6 - Phase Retrieval via Polarization in Dynamical Sampling
    Robert Beinert and Marzieh Hasannasab
  • 7 - Hessian Initialization Strategies for L-BFGS Solving Non-linear Inverse Problems
    Hari Om Aggrawal and Jan Modersitzki
  • 8 - A Scaled and Adaptive FISTA Algorithm for Signal-dependent Sparse Image Super-resolution Problems
    Marta Lazzaretti, Simone Rebegoldi, Luca Calatroni and Claudio Estatico
  • 9 - Convergence Properties of a Randomized Primal-Dual Algorithm with Applications to Parallel MRI
    Eric B Gutiérrez, Claire Delplancke and Matthias J Ehrhardt 
  • 10 - On the Geometric Mechanics of Assignment Flows for Metric Data Labeling
    Fabrizio Savarino, Peter Albers and Christoph Schnörr
  • 11 - Residual Whiteness Principle for Automatic Parameter Selection in L2-L2 Image Super-resolution Problems 
    Monica Pragliola, Luca Calatroni, Alessandro Lanza and Fiorella Sgallari
  • 12 - Sparsity-aided Variational Mesh Restoration
    Martin Huska, Serena Morigi and Giuseppe Antonio Recupero
  • 13 - GMM-based Simultaneous Reconstruction and Segmentation in X-ray CT application
    Shi Yan and Yiqiu Dong
  • 14 - Lossless PDE-based Compression of 3D Medical Images
    Ikram Jumakulyyev and Thomas Schultz 
  • 15 - Inpainting-based Video Compression in FullHD
    Sarah Andris, Pascal Peter, Rahul Mohideen Kaja Mohideen, Joachim Weickert and Sebastian Hoffmann


 (15:30-16:00) Break


(16:00) Oral Session 2: Optimization Theory and Methods in Imaging 

Chairman : Joachim Weickert

  • (16:00) Diffusion, Pre-Smoothing and Gradient Descent video
    Martin Welk
  • (16:30) Towards Off-the-grid Algorithms for Total Variation Regularized Inverse Problems video
    Yohann De Castro, Vincent Duval and Romain Petit 
  • (17:00) First Order Geometric Multilevel Optimization For Discrete Tomography video
    Jan Plier, Fabrizio Savarino, Michael Kočvara and Stefania Petra


Tuesday 18 May


(9:00) Plenary II: Daniel Cremers

Title:  Visual SLAM in the Age of Deep Learning

Video:   here

Abstract:  here

Chairman : Yvain Quéau

(10:00-10:30) Break

(10:30) Oral Session 3: Segmentation and Registration 

Chairman : Jan Modersitzki

  • (10:30) On the Correspondence between Replicator Dynamics and Assignment Flows video
    Bastian Boll, Jonathan Schwarz and Christoph Schnörr 
  • (11:00) Multiscale Registration
    Noémie Debroux, Carole Le Guyader and Luminita A Vese  video
  • (11:30) A Deep Image Prior Learning Algorithm for Joint Selective Segmentation and Registration video
    Liam Burrows, Ke Chen and Francesco Torella


(12:00-14:00) Lunch Break


(14:00) Poster Session 2: Registration + Machine Learning Methods in Imaging

(2 minutes per poster flash presentations, followed by individual Poster Presentation in dedicated breakrooms)

  • 1 - Challenges for Optical Flow Estimates in Elastography
    Ekaterina Sherina, Lisa Krainz, Simon Hubmer, Wolfgang Drexler and Otmar Scherzer

  • 2 - An Anisotropic Selection Scheme for Variational Optical Flow Methods with Order-Adaptive Regularisation
    Lukas Mehl, Cedric Beschle, Andrea Barth and Andrés Bruhn
  • 3 - Low-rank Registration of Images Captured Under Unknown, Varying Lighting
    Matthieu Pizenberg, Yvain Quéau and Abderrahim Elmoataz
  • 4 - Towards Efficient Time Stepping for Numerical Shape Correspondence
    Alexander Köhler and Michael Breuß
  • 5 - First Order Locally Orderless Registration
    Sune Darkner, José D T Vidarte and François Lauze
  • 6 - Variational Models for Signal Processing with Graph Neural Networks 
    Amitoz Azad, Julien Rabin and Abderrahim Elmoataz
  • 7 - Synthetic Images as a Regularity Prior for Image Restoration Neural Networks
    Raphaël Achddou, Yann Gousseau and Saı̈d Ladjal
  • 8 - Learning Local Regularization for Variational Image Restoration
    Jean Prost, Antoine Houdard, Andrés Almansa and Nicolas Papadakis
  • 9 - Learning Linear Assignment Flows for Image Labeling via Exponential Integration
    Alexander Zeilmann, Stefania Petra and Christoph Schnörr
  • 10 - Invertible Neural Networks versus MCMC for Posterior Reconstruction in Grazing Incidence X-Ray Fluorescence
    Anna Andrle, Nando Farchmin, Paul Hagemann, Sebastian Heidenreich, Victor Solwitsch and Gabriele Steidl
  • 11 - Adversarially Learned Iterative Reconstruction for Imaging Inverse Problem
    Subhadip Mukherjee, Ozan Öktem and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb
  • 12 - Geometric Deformation on Objects: Unsupervised Image Manipulation via Conjugation
    Changqing Fu and Laurent Cohen
  • 13 - Total Deep Variation for Noisy Exit Wave Reconstruction in Transmission Electron Microscopy
    Thomas Pinetz, Erich Kobler, Christian Doberstein, Benjamin Berkels and Alexander Effland
  • 14 - Bregman Proximal Gradient Algorithms for Deep Matrix Factorization
    Mahesh Chandra Mukkamala, Felix Westerkamp, Emanuel Laude, Daniel Cremers and Peter Ochs
  • 15 - Equivariant Deep Learning via Morphological and Linear Scale Space PDEs on the Space of Positions and Orientations
    Remco Duits, Bart Smets, Erik Bekkers and Jim Portegies


(15:30-16:00)  Break


(16:00) Oral Session 4: Machine Learning in Imaging 

Chairwoman: Agnes Desolneux

  • (16:00) Wasserstein Generative Models for Patch-based Texture Synthesis video
    Antoine Houdard, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis and Julien Rabin
  • (16:30) Translating Numerical Concepts for PDEs into Neural Architectures video
    Tobias Alt, Pascal Peter, Joachim Weickert and Karl Schrader
  • (17:00) CLIP: Cheap Lipschitz Training of Neural Networks
    Leon Bungert, René Raab, Tim Roith, Leo Schwinn and Daniel Tenbrinck video



Wednesday 19 May


(9:00) Plenary III: Julie Delon

Title: Some perspectives on stochastic models for Bayesian image restoration 

Video:   here

Abstract:  here

Chairman: Julien Rabin


(10:00-10:30) Break

(10:30) Oral Session 5: Restoration and Interpolation

Chairwoman: Gabriele Steidl

  • (10:30) Sketched Learning for Image Denoising video
    Hui Shi, Yann Traonmilin and Jean-François Aujol
  • (11:00) Multi-frame Super-resolution from Noisy Data video
    Kireeti Bodduna, Joachim Weickert and Marcelo Cárdenas
  • (11:30) Total-Variation Mode Decomposition video
    Ido Cohen, Tom Berkov and Guy Gilboa


(12:00-14:00) Lunch Break


(14:00) Plenary IV: Jean-Luc Starck

Title: Bridging the gap between U-nets and sparse recovery

Video:   here

Abstract:  here

Chairman : Jalal Fadili


(15:15) Announcements video


(16:00) Concluding remarks







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